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3 Things Plaque Can Do to Your Teeth

Do you brush and floss regularly but still develop plaque? An imbalance between the good and the bad bacteria in your mouth could be the cause of your dental issues. 

Dental plaque is mainly caused by Streptococcus mutans, a type of bacteria that feeds on simple sugars and carbohydrates. 

Our team of dental specialists at Downtown Dental Studio in New York City regularly removes plaque for their patients in New York City. Read on to find out how dental plaque affects your teeth, how you can prevent it, and what you can do to have it removed. 

What plaque can do. 

A buildup of plaque on your teeth can cause several issues. Untreated, plaque:

Destroys enamel 

When you eat foods high in starches and sugar, the bacteria inside the mouth eats away these starches and sugars and creates acids as a byproduct. The acids eat away at the enamel, weakening it and causing the teeth to yellow. 

Causes cavities

Dental plaque that sits on the tooth for prolonged periods of time causes repeated attacks on the enamel. Eventually, the enamel gets dissolved, leading to cavities and holes in the teeth.

Leads to inflammation and tooth decay 

The acids that result from eating foods high in starch and sugar not only damage the structure of teeth but also irritate and inflame the gums. 

Gum inflammation causes bleeding when brushing. As gum inflammation progresses, gums move away from your teeth, causing your teeth to become loose and eventually fall out. 

How to prevent plaque formation 

Since the main culprit of dental plaque is bad bacteria, you may feel inclined to use antibacterial mouthwashes and toothpaste. However, studies suggest that eradicating numerous types of bacteria in the mouth (both good and bad) doesn't help with tooth decay. 

Lower bacteria diversity in the mouth is actually correlated with a higher risk of oral diseases.

Eat foods that don’t feed the bad bacteria, and ensure your dental hygiene is on point. 

Having optimal amounts of calcium in your diet is also a good way to protect your teeth. However, keep in mind that calcium should be consumed with vitamin k2, which ensures calcium transportation to the bones

Remove your dental plaque with us 

Once dental plaque hardens on your teeth, it can no longer be removed at home with brushing and flossing. Here’s where our team at Downtown Dental Studio can help. Plaque is very damaging to the teeth and gums, but it can be easily and painlessly removed in just one office visit. 

Contact us to schedule an appointment. We can remove your plaque and help you enjoy healthy teeth and gums for longer.

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