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Are Digital X-Rays Better Than Traditional Scans?

Are Digital X-Rays Better Than Traditional Scans?

Have you ever wondered when you visit your dentist if there are different types of x-rays used to look at your teeth and if some might be better than others? There are two kinds of x-rays used in dental practices: traditional (or film) and digital. 

We at Downtown Dental Studio offer state-of-the-art digital x-rays that provide many advantages over the older model. We do this because we want the absolute best for our patients in every facet of their care with us.

Fadi Beydoun, DMD, MSAlexander Kimon, DMD, and Karina Zaygermakher, DMD, want you to feel safe and secure knowing that we use the safest and most effective options available for diagnosis and treatment. This is why we use digital x-rays over traditional ones. 

Why you need dental x-rays

Dental x-rays are necessary because patients sometimes have issues with oral health that we can’t see with our eyes. X-rays help identify these problems and situations that may not be serious now but could become worse down the line.

It’s important to make a dental x-ray part of your oral healthcare routine. Most people need dental x-rays once a year, while others may need them more, for example, if we track a health issue to ensure it doesn’t worsen too quickly. 

In addition to letting us see the health of your gums and jawbone, x-rays can help us see the tooth enamel, the dentin layer beneath, and through to the pulp inside. They help us identify issues like tooth decay, cavities, periodontal disease (or gum disease), and potential loss of density in the jaw bone. 

Digital x-rays vs. traditional scans

So here’s the big question: which of these options is better? At Downtown Dental Studio, we use digital x-rays for many reasons. 

They are safer.

X-rays emit a small amount of radiation, which has always been a concern for some patients, especially parents of small children. Digital x-rays emit 70% less radiation than their traditional counterparts, which means they are even safer now than they were in the past.

They are more accurate.

According to a study published in the World Journal of Radiology, advances in dental imaging techniques have done significant work to help catch oral health problems in an earlier stage where they could be properly dealt with. 

They are faster.

Believe it or not, you have to wait longer on traditional x-rays because the film needs to develop. When your dentist uses digital x-rays, as we do, they can be sent to our computers instantly, meaning you don’t have to wait for your results. They’re also easier to send between clinics.

They are more precise. 

When we take digital x-rays, we can expand, enhance, and enlarge the image to see everything we need. That makes for a more precise picture, which is more authentic and avoids us having to take additional images down the line. 

Get digital x-rays in our office today

Digital x-rays are better for several reasons, which is why we use them for all of our patients, no matter the state of their oral health. We know digital x-rays will give us the clearest picture of your mouth without sacrificing your safety and comfort.

If you’re ready to get your digital x-rays, visit us at our New York City office in the Financial District today. Simply make an appointment online or call 212-964-3337. 

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