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What Causes Cavities?

Did you know that 92% of all American adults have at least one cavity. That’s why cavities remain one of the most common dental problems. Cavities occur when plaque, a combination of food debris and the bacteria that feed on them, builds up and creates decay on your teeth. 

Though plaque secretes an acid that’s capable of destroying your teeth, you can still remove it just by regularly brushing and flossing. You can also maintain healthy, plaque-free teeth by keeping your regular dentist appointments, once every six months.   

At Downtown Dental Studio, located in the Financial District of New York City, we’re here to help you with all of your cosmetic and general dentistry needs. That’s why we’ve compiled this helpful guide about cavities and what causes them. 

What are cavities?

Cavities are areas of permanent damage on the hard surfaces of your teeth, and they cause small holes in your enamel, the outer covering of your teeth. Cavities can cause sensitivity in your teeth and a range of other symptoms. 

What causes cavities?

Cavities can be caused by any number of factors or even a combination of factors, like bacteria in your mouth, sugary drinks, frequent snacking, and improperly cleaning and caring for your teeth. 

Signs you have a cavity

The following is a list of some of the most common symptoms of a cavity. If you experience one or more of these symptoms, you’ll want to come in to have your teeth looked at as soon as you can. 

Tooth pain

A common sign of a cavity, especially in the early stages, is tooth pain. You might also have pressure and pain when you bite down. Leaving a cavity untreated can lead to progressive pain, sensitivity, and damage.

The pain can come and go and may occur when you’re eating, talking, or simply resting. Tooth pain commonly occurs when your enamel and dentin, the outer coverings of your teeth, wear down, exposing your pulp, which comprises your tooth’s nerves and blood vessels. 

Temperature sensitivity

Normally, your enamel shields your nerves from hot and cold foods. But, once your enamel deteriorates, it exposes your inner tooth and nerves to the effects of extreme temperature. You may often find that your teeth are overly sensitive to hot and cold foods. 

For more information on cavities, what causes them, and your best treatment options for them, schedule an appointment with one of our dentists at Downtown Dental Studio by calling our office or booking online.

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